Space Apps 2017 Mainstages Announced!

Hey there, Space Apps crew!  We have news for you!

API Demo-NYC-sm.jpgEach year, NASA’s International Space Apps features a host location as a Mainstage for the Challenge weekend.  This location serves as the central hub from where Space Apps leadership manages the global activities.

This year, we are taking our Mission Control to two locations! Space Apps 2017 is proud to introduce Mainstage West – Space Apps Silicon Valley (Palo Alto, California, U.S.A.), and Mainstage East – Space Apps NYC (New York City, New York, U.S.A.)!

This regional approach allows us to bring inspiring leaders, NASA experts, and global collaborators to more locations around the world!  Plus, our experienced Mainstage host, New York City, is teaming up with the new Mainstage host, Silicon Valley, to establish a supportive community of Mainstage hosts who can carry on the traditions of offering team-building pre-event meet-ups, bringing subject matter experts to the hackathon, and inspiring innovators in the years to come.  

Palo Alto 2016-2We look forward to building on the successes of the past Mainstages, including Space Apps 2016’s Mainstage in Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  Team Pasadena’s Space Apps event included a Bootcamp, featuring a series of inspiring talks from experts, including scientists and engineers from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  Additionally, attendees engaged in ten curated “Stardust Stations,” or pop-up tutorials, which demonstrated applications of data, simple hardware projects, and hackathon skills. The Mainstage event was live-streamed on NASA TV online for the 15,000+ Space Apps participants around the world, and anyone else interested, to watch!

This year, both Mainstages will be livestreamed and will hold Bootcamps on April 28, so don’t forget to check out our website for some inspiration and extra learning before the main hackathon event!
The Space Apps Global Organizing Team

Now, lets get to know our Mainstages a little better! Here’s the skinny on our tip-top 2017 Mainstage locations and the host teams:

Space Apps Silicon Valley (Palo Alto)

Palo alto 2016-3The host for Space Apps Silicon Valley is NewMan's Business Accelerator, a start-up and professional education support organization with headquarters in Europe and Silicon Valley.  NewMan's CEO, Irena Chaushevska, is a Space Apps alumna and was a member of the global winning team in 2015!  She has organized Space Apps for the last four years in multiple locations, and in 2017, she’s bringing her talents and leadership to Palo Alto!

The hackathon this year will take place at SAP Palo Alto, located at: 3410 Hillview Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA.  Space Apps Silicon Valley is working with partners including NASA Ames Research Center to align a team of experts and mentors to help participants during the hackathon. Catering and refreshments will also be provided for all.

On Friday, April 28, 2017, Space Apps Silicon Valley will host a pre-event Bootcamp conference to provide hackathon participants with opportunities to connect and network with Aerospace companies and startups from the Bay Area, as well as with potential investors. The Bootcamp will focus on big data and the future of the space industry.

Welcome to the Mainstage, Silicon Valley!

Space Apps New York City (NYC)

SpaceApps_NYC_April24_2016_093-sm.jpgSince its founding, the Space Apps NYC team has organized five Space Apps hackathons and two conferences, and it has hosted NASA's Space Apps global Mainstage two years in a row (in 2014 and 2015)! 

This enthusiastic and committed team has grown their diverse space hacker community into one of the largest and most active Space Apps chapters, with over 1,800 hackers!  This year, they are partnering with Space Apps Brooklyn and expanding to more boroughs to run multiple locations for the Space Apps 2017 hackathon and Bootcamp!

The NYC team is proud to host their annual Commercial Space, Science, and Frontier Technologies Conference to kick off the hackathon weekend. Their stellar list of invitees includes:

  • space scientists, researchers, and engineers;
  • space tech venture capitalists and investors, commercial space reps, and corporate executives; 
  • city, state and federal officials; celebrities, astronauts, explorers, and futurists; and
  • TV and film writers and authors…

… all to discuss the future of space tech in New York City and across the planet.  With TED-style talks and panels, their event last year engaged over 11,000 viewers through their livestream, which covered their conference and hackathon demos.  You can check out some of their past speakers here.

Welcome back to the Mainstage, Space Apps NYC!!!

Photos courtesy of Space Apps Silicon Valley and Space Apps NYC


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.