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Trees Height calculation using drone mapping data
Trees Height calculation using drone mapping data
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
Two Different map analysis Data
Two Different map analysis Data
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
Final map ( 1st mapping )
Final map ( 1st mapping )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
Final Map ( 2nd mapping )
Final Map ( 2nd mapping )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
orthomosaic_overlap ( 2nd mapping )
orthomosaic_overlap ( 2nd mapping )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
optimized_camera_position_YZ ( 2nd mapping )
optimized_camera_position_YZ ( 2nd mapping )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
optimized_camera_position_XZ ( 2nd mapping )
optimized_camera_position_XZ ( 2nd mapping )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
optimized_camera_position_XY ( 2nd mapping )
optimized_camera_position_XY ( 2nd mapping )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
matches_graph_YZ ( 2nd mapping )
matches_graph_YZ ( 2nd mapping )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
matches_graph_XZ ( 2nd mapping )
matches_graph_XZ ( 2nd mapping )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
matches_graph_XY ( 2nd mapping )
matches_graph_XY ( 2nd mapping )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
geotag_position ( 2nd mapping )
geotag_position ( 2nd mapping )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
FC300X_3.6_4000x3000 (RGB)(1)_scaled_pixel_error ( 2nd mapping )
FC300X_3.6_4000x3000 (RGB)(1)_scaled_pixel_error ( 2nd mapping )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
FC300X_3.6_4000x3000 (RGB)(1)_pixel_error ( 2nd mapping )
FC300X_3.6_4000x3000 (RGB)(1)_pixel_error ( 2nd mapping )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
orthomosaic_overlap ( Mapping one )
orthomosaic_overlap ( Mapping one )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
optimized_camera_position_XY ( mapping one )
optimized_camera_position_XY ( mapping one )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
matches_graph_XY ( mapping one )
matches_graph_XY ( mapping one )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
geotag_position ( Mapping one )
geotag_position ( Mapping one )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
FC300X_3.6_4000x3000 (RGB)(1)_pixel_error ( mapping one )
FC300X_3.6_4000x3000 (RGB)(1)_pixel_error ( mapping one )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
dsm_preview ( mapping one )
dsm_preview ( mapping one )
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
oshinTasnuva Tabassum Oshin
nahid_uavNahid Ferdous
Drone Market Analysis
Drone Market Analysis
nahid_uavNahid Ferdous

Drone For Green ( Data collection and Analysis Part one )

nahid_uavNahid Ferdous

satellite data analysis Shundorbon , Bangladesh Drone For Green Project

nahid_uavNahid Ferdous

Full Project summary

“Unmanned Aerial Vehicle based assessment of canopy cover and deforestation dynamics”

nahid_uavNahid Ferdous
Map Processing
Map Processing
nahid_uavNahid Ferdous

Concerns and opportunities

•Different forest structures, canopy cover levels, and tree spatial distribution patterns may give the same NDVI value.

•Information from the Bangladesh Forest Department forest inventory plots can be used to evaluate NDVI variability on forested plots.

•UAV imagery can provide accurate and precise estimates of canopy cover over many contiguous Landsat imagery cells.

•Monitoring of spectral change through time likely to improve established relationships between NDVI and forest distribution

nahid_uavNahid Ferdous


•There is no standard NDVI value threshold distinguishing forests from other types of vegetation

•Effect from season progression

•Other spectral metrics, ancillary information, and monitoring of metric values through time for a given location usually very useful

•Corroboration of predictions with ground observations critical

nahid_uavNahid Ferdous

NDVI-based assessment of vegetation change

•Get Landsat image for area of interest at time T1

•Calculate NDVI (if not already available)

•Repeat for same area at time T2

•Compute new band as NDVIT2 – NDVIT1

•Display the new band

nahid_uavNahid Ferdous
nahid_uavNahid Ferdous
nahid_uavNahid Ferdous
R code used in the examples
R code used in the examples
nahid_uavNahid Ferdous
Several deforestation events in the forest, but substantial reforestation too. Artifacts near the edge of water   Deforestation (red) No change (yellow) Reforestation (green)
Several deforestation events in the forest, but substantial reforestation too. Artifacts near the edge of water Deforestation (red) No change (yellow) Reforestation (green)
nahid_uavNahid Ferdous
More reliable assessment thank to no sensor issues Sporadic deforestation events in the forest, but substantial reforestation too  Deforestation (red) No change (yellow) Reforestation (green)
More reliable assessment thank to no sensor issues Sporadic deforestation events in the forest, but substantial reforestation too Deforestation (red) No change (yellow) Reforestation (green)
nahid_uavNahid Ferdous
Lots of artifacts because of 2008 data stripping issue , Deforestation (red) No change (yellow) Reforestation (green
Lots of artifacts because of 2008 data stripping issue , Deforestation (red) No change (yellow) Reforestation (green
nahid_uavNahid Ferdous
With masking of cell with value below 0.15 Challenging to quantify challenge with ocular means
With masking of cell with value below 0.15 Challenging to quantify challenge with ocular means
nahid_uavNahid Ferdous
Landsat 8 data Value range 	[0.00 to 0.86] (more 	consistent) thanks to 	new sensor
Landsat 8 data Value range [0.00 to 0.86] (more consistent) thanks to new sensor
nahid_uavNahid Ferdous
Landsat 7, data Stripping issue from sensor degradation evident Value range 	[-0.31 to 0.82]
Landsat 7, data Stripping issue from sensor degradation evident Value range [-0.31 to 0.82]
nahid_uavNahid Ferdous
Landsat 7 data, Value range 	[-0.34 to 0.83]  , Minor ocean patterns noticeable
Landsat 7 data, Value range [-0.34 to 0.83] , Minor ocean patterns noticeable
nahid_uavNahid Ferdous
var landsat = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LE7_L1T_ANNUAL_GREENEST_TOA/2000')
image: landsat,
description: 'NDVI_2000_',
scale: 30,
region: Sundarbans,
maxPixels: 2500000000,
crs: 'EPSG:3106'
nahid_uavNahid Ferdous

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.