Congratulations to the team on taking 2nd at the SpaceAppsReno challenge as well as people's choice award.

Final product for demo and presentation. Server working. Data from the sensors is being broadcast to the central hub, then on to a AWS server and back. Nice!

Day 2: soldering and final electronics integration.

cover designs complete. waiting on prints. also radios are working!

Team working after dinner break.

both printers hard at it.

housing is designed and is now printing.

hardware v1.0

3:20 pm local time. components are modeled and and adapter is printing. sensors are being read on the arduino and the server is being configured to pull in data. the hub (rPi) is setup as well.
Wireless sensor nodes to provide real time, remote feedback on farm health. Monitoring specific crops in a given region allows the system to deliver the right amount of water an nutrients for that plant type. A series of valves with flow meters provide feedback of the amount of water used in each area and allows water usage to be correlated with weather so a water use forecast can be made.