Gravithron | Bring Your Own Solution


The Challenge | Bring Your Own Solution

Follow your brain and your heart, and present a solution of your own choosing!

Space Capsule

Man's interest in recording his own motivation is the concept that has as main objective to allow each of us to have an opportunity to tell our history and the time we live for future generations, renewing our ties.


Remember how your life was years ago? What did you like to do, to hear, to eat, what you were, what you invented, created, developed? Or rather, Imagine you 50 years ago, and everything you could remember with your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, your friends or anyone who is traveling "through space and who may be interested in something you did, for your story.

This is possible with the Space Capsule. Man's interest in recording his existence and in rescuing his story for a major motivation for this solution.

Main objectives of the Space Capsule:

• Rescuing a culture of an era, customs, discoveries and values, through the eyes of those who have lived, still;

• Renewal of personal, family and professional ties;

• Through space exploration, unravel the mysteries of several generations.

How it works:

Inside the Space Capsule you can save textual records, photos, audios and videos. Once the capsule assembly process is started, the user will have up to 10 days to submit his or her attachments, where, after this period or, when it is closed, it will be sent to space at a distance of light years from Earth having its contents Available to space explorers after the user-defined decades.

The user can initialize the assembly of the capsule whenever it wishes and these will be grouped the previous ones that already have already been sent.

Is that you? Are you ready to send yours?

Public Repository


  • AngularJS
  • Jquery
  • Html5
  • Css3



SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.