Mars Base | Small Spaces, Big Ideas!

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The Challenge | Small Spaces, Big Ideas!

Create crew-friendly designs for a habitat and/or its multi-use furniture, to be used for isolation studies on Earth that are researching the environmental and human dimensions of life on another planet.

The BeeHive

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Modular habitat / research facility for your planetary colonization endeavours! Call now!

Mars Base


Create crew-friendly designs for a habitat and/or its multi-use furniture, to be used for isolation studies on Earth that are researching the environmental and human dimensions of life on another planet.

What I think it can be done:

Taking in account ancient building layouts (and some insects) and social interactions through history (tribes, early societies), this habitat should provide enough space for a small "family" to be able to conduct their daily activities by having common and private spaces, so they can interact with each other or when needed.

This BeeHive, based on the shape of an hexagon, should provide all these requirements while being modular and allowing expansion and inner re-shaping according to the needs of the crew.

What is also interesting on this module, is the ability to move easily if needed, without using wheels. (stay tuned until tomorrow while I work this out).


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.