The Challenge | Every Cloud
Map severe weather conditions with the presence of local atmospheric
aerosols to identify potential connections!
Disaster Protecting System
Disaster Protecting System(DiPS). It's not only an app but also a life supporting guide for all. People can learn and in reach their knowledge about natural disaster. and by using this app they can save their valuable life and property.

{'dispatchConfig': None, '_targetInst': None, 'nativeEvent': None, 'type': None, 'target': None, 'currentTarget': None, 'eventPhase': None, 'bubbles': None, 'cancelable': None, 'timeStamp': None, 'defaultPrevented': None, 'isTrusted': None, 'isDefaultPrevented': None, 'isPropagationStopped': None, '_dispatchListeners': None, '_dispatchInstances': None}